ICOF professionals return to Haiti as part of the Learn for Sight Program

The team of professionals from the ICOF (Institut Clínic Oftalmología) of the Hospital Clínic is traveling to Haiti again as part of the Learn for Sight Program

From April 5 to 15, a new delegation of ophthalmologists, optometrists and nurses from the Hospital Clínic ICOF, led by Dr. Jorge Peraza, have traveled to Haiti, as part of the Learn for Sight Project, our Ophthalmology solidarity project. The goal of the Learn for Sight project is to improve the visual health of people in Haiti through assistance, training and innovation.

The Learn for Sight program facilitates access to the training offer and resources of the Hospital Clínic Group to specialists from Third World countries. Thus, once trained, they will be able to develop their healthcare activity in their countries of origin, transferring the knowledge and learning acquired to clinical practice.

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. 60% of the population lives in extreme poverty. An area battered by drug trafficking, corruption and political instability and natural disasters. Port au Prince, the capital, has 11.26 million inhabitants and only 50 ophthalmologists. Of these, only 12 are surgical. Hi ha alta prevalença de casos de glaucoma, cataractes i defectes refractius. With the necessary surgical instruments and a portable team, every year a group of ICOF professionals moves there.

From Món Clínic we participated in all the logistics of the trip.